February 2025 Monthly Thank You
February 2025 Monthly Thank You! A big thank you to everyone who has supported us this month!
As we do every month, we have lots of amazing people, businesses, and organisations to thank and we want to share the wonderful ways in which they have and are continuing to support the charity and our work.
Without all of these supporters we would not be able to support our residents and clients the way we do.
To begin, we’d like to say thank you to:
• Firstly, we want to thank Curco, Mirage Hair and Beauty, the Copper Pottle and the Westerleigh Group – Herne Bay Crematorium. They all sponsored our recent Christmas event so thank you all so much.
• Additionally, we want to thank every single person that has donated a shoe box to us to help us provide every resident across all our homes a Christmas present.
• We would also like to thank everyone that has donated to our just giving pages this month for Platter Farm Lodge and the Coach House. Thank you!
• Our Christmas event this month required a lot of work from lots of different people so we would like to thank every single person that volunteered and made the event as festive as it was. Furthermore, we would like to also thank all of the emergency services for attending the event and sharing their careers with the children.
• Lastly, we would like to thank Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity for supporting the Lady Mayoress Charity 2024 and helping us continue to provide for people with disabilities.
THANK YOU, to everyone for all they have done this month in supporting Strode. We could not do provide the care we do without all of your help and support.
If you want to get in touch to help support us, then please either call 01227 373292 or email fundraising@strodepark.org.uk