Footprints Staff
Registered Home Manager and Deputy Manager –
The Registered Manager is Laura Pearce. Laura’s contact details are or call 07874 876711.
The Deputy Manager is Tara Ludgate. Tara’s Contact details are or call 07562 617844.
We operate an open-door policy, if you ever have anything you want to talk about don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.
Staff Council –
Footprints Staff Council representative is Stuart McCourt. As well as being a member of the Staff Council Stuart is the Vice Chairperson. It is Stuart’s role to take feedback or concerns from their colleagues to the Staff Council meetings. If you have any suggestions for Stuart to take forward please contact them on –
Activities –
If you have any ideas for activities for the young people or wish to take them places, then please get in touch with Emily Love – or Vicki Porter –
Rotas/Overtime Shifts –
For any queries, questions or concerns regarding your rota or overtime shifts please get in touch with Samantha Lindsey –
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